is ready for signing
15 September 2023
DOI: 10.59350/a0wh3-y3057
Image source: Prostock-studio, Shutterstock
We are pleased to announce that Version 1.0 of the Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability ( is now released. is the first step towards formalising, on a global level, the basic principles and recommendations related to funding the sustainability of research software, including the people needed to achieve this goal. Now that Version 1.0 has been released, this means that funding organisations that support research software, and/or the people who develop and maintain it, are now invited to formally sign
The declaration was initiated in November 2022 by the Research Software Alliance and Netherlands eScience Center who organised the International Funders Workshop: The Future of Research Software which focused on creating the first draft of the declaration. Since the workshop, the research software community around the world, including members of the combined Research Data Alliance and Research Software Funders Forum provided input towards this release of the declaration.
“We are excited to release Version 1.0 of the declaration! We hope that support for this set of principles and recommendations extends beyond a signature and is the first of many steps towards implementing these best practices to set a national and global precedent to raise recognition.” - Neil Chue Hong, Director, Software Sustainability Institute, UK, on behalf of the writing team.
The declaration is complemented by the Toolkit. This toolkit aims to support implementation of the declaration by providing examples of funder programs, policies, and resources for each of the declaration’s recommendations in the four areas of research software practice, research software ecosystem, research software personnel, and research software ethics. The Toolkit is a living resource – it will be updated regularly to incorporate new information.
This version of the declaration is released in advance of the International Research Software Funders Workshop taking place in September 18-20, 2023, in Montréal, Canada, and online. The theme is “Investing in People: Anticipating the Future of Research Software” which aims to set the future agenda for government, philanthropic, and industry funders to support sustainable research software and communities. With the release of Version 1.0, we open up the possibility for stakeholders to formally show their support by signing the declaration, or issuing a statement of support.
Organisations and individuals who do not fully identify with the definition of funders can choose to support the declaration, publicly stating that they agree with the recommendations. Supporters could potentially range from government funding agencies and academic research institutes to private companies and philanthropic organisations.
“Through new programs and funding opportunities at NIH, such as the Open Source Software program and the Software Research Engineers program, the agency is supporting sustainable foundations for the development and deployment of software tools in the biomedical and behavioral sciences.” - Susan Gregurick, Director, Office of Data Science Strategy, National Institutes of Health, USA
In the coming months we expect to see many funders signing the declaration and other non-funders showing their support! To stay updated on this declaration, subscribe to the ReSA newsletter for updates.