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ReSA Steering Committee

Chair: Daniel S. Katz

Chair: Daniel S. Katz

Chief Scientist, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), University of Illinois
Lives in USA
Daniel S. Katz is Chief Scientist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), and Research Associate Professor in Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the School of Information Sciences (iSchool) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He was previously a Senior Fellow at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, a Program Director at the National Science Foundation, and had roles at Louisiana State University, NASA JPL, and Cray Research. Dan’s interest is in the development and use of advanced cyberinfrastructure to solve challenging problems at multiple scales, including applications, algorithms, fault tolerance, and programming in parallel and distributed computing, and policy issues such as citation and credit mechanisms and practices associated with software and data, organization and community practices for collaboration, and career paths for computing researchers. He is a senior member of the IEEE and ACM, co-founder and current Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Open Source Software, and co-founder of the US Research Software Engineer Association (US-RSE).
Anne Fouilloux

Anne Fouilloux

Senior Research Engineer at Simula Research Laboratory
Lives in Norway

Anne is an Open Science and FAIR Software and Data Advocate. She is working at Simula Research Laboratory (Oslo, Norway) and is leading the Nordic Infrastructure Collaboration on Earth System Tools (NICEST) at the Nordic e-infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC). She never works alone, always in collaboration with community driven initiatives and open source communities such as Pangeo, The Environmental Data Science Book, The Turing Way and the Galaxy Project.

She is developing training materials and teaching basic-to-advanced research computing skills to students, researchers, Research Software Engineers from all disciplines to advance FAIRness of Software management and development practices so that research groups can collaboratively develop, review, discuss, test, share and reuse their codes.

Caxton Murira

Caxton Murira

Product Specialist, Team Lead, Clinical Research and Trials Community (CRTC) programme at the Science for Africa Foundation
Lives in Kenya
Caxton Murira is a Product Specialist and team lead for the Clinical Research and Trials Community (CRTC) programme at the Science for Africa Foundation. He is passionate about data and has delivered successful projects in a myriad of sectors such as health, governance, climate change for INGOs, government and public institutions. Caxton has an MSc in project management and a BSc in computer science. Prior to joining SFA Foundation, he worked at the African Academy of Sciences and other not for profit outfits in similar roles. Caxton is keen to promote open research initiatives, open data, and research software, with the goal of achieving fair access to healthcare and creating sustainable innovative solutions that address Africa’s most pressing challenges.
Juan Bicarregui

Juan Bicarregui

Head of the Data Division, Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
Lives in UK
​​​Juan Bicarregui is Head of the Data Division in the Scientific Computing Department at STFC. Juan’s division has responsibility for research and development of the data systems that handle much of the huge volume of scientific data that is produced by the STFC research facilities. Juan has played a key role in formulating UK policy on opening up access to research outputs and chaired the cross Research Council group which published the RCUK Joint Principles on Data and associated Guidelines. Juan was a member of the steering group that set up the Research Data Alliance and co-chaired the RDA Organisational Advisory Board. Currently, Juan is coordinator of the H2020 EOSCpilot project that is supporting the first phase in the development of the European Open Science Cloud.
Neil Chue Hong

Neil Chue Hong

Director, Software Sustainability Institute, University of Edinburgh
Lives in UK
Neil P. Chue Hong is the founding Director of the Software Sustainability Institute and Professor of Research Software Policy and Practice at EPCC, University of Edinburgh. He works to improve software sustainability, research software engineering practices, research software communities of practice, and the impact of research software policy and incentives. He has co-led development and implementation of international research software guidelines including the FAIR Principles for Research Software, Software Citation Principles, and NISO Reproducibility Badging and Definitions. He holds a number of research funder advisory roles, including chairing the steering committee for the UK’s exascale software, algorithms and infrastructure programme (ExCALIBUR) and a member of the UKRI Net Zero Digital Research Infrastructure steering committee, BBSRC Transformative Technologies strategic advisory panel, and NERC Digital Research Infrastructure Investment Board. He is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Open Research Software, and co-editor of “Software Engineering for Science”.
Nicolás Palopoli

Nicolás Palopoli

Adjunct Researcher, National Research Council in Argentina (CONICET)
Lives in Argentina
Nicolás is an Adjunct Researcher at the National Research Council in Argentina (CONICET) and a Project Leader at the Structural Bioinformatics Group, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ, Buenos Aires, Argentina). His research is focused on understanding the functional nature of proteins, with special interest in their evolutionary relationships and their interactions in biological systems. He is a certified trainer and over the last 15 years he has delivered online and virtual courses on biology, programming and education for graduate and postgraduate university students, as well as several workshops in different communities of practice. Nicolas is also the Co-Executive Director and Advisory Committee Chair of MetaDocencia, an online community that builds scientific and technical capacities through the co-creation of networks, learning spaces, and accessible resources focused on Spanish-speaking communities.
Shurui Zhou

Shurui Zhou

Assistant Professor, The University of Toronto
Lives in Canada
Shurui Zhou is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on facilitating distributed and interdisciplinary software teams to build high-quality systems, including but not limited to building better programming environments for software developers, designing better code review and issue tracking systems to facilitate better collaboration among team members, and identifying vulnerabilities from the codebase. She studies and tackles the problems from both technical and social perspectives, especially in the context of modern open-source collaboration forms, Industrial plant software, and interdisciplinary teams when building AI-based systems or scientific software. She also investigates the collaboration challenges for hardware teams, specifically for CAD designers using online collaborative platforms. To achieve her goals, she combines advances in tooling and software engineering principles with insights from other disciplines that study human collaboration, for which she combines and mixes a wide range of research methods.
Yo Yehudi

Yo Yehudi

Co-founder of Open Life Science (OLS)
Lives in UK

Yo Yehudi is a co-founder of Open Life Science (OLS), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to equitable global culture change in research, towards open community-driven principles. OLS over 400 community members across 6 continents and 40+ countries worldwide.

Yo’s research focuses on human aspects of software development and open communities, connecting common threads that a open source research software engineer might encounter: examining mental models of biological data for biologists and bioinformaticians; common factors in open science community sustainability behavior; and qualitative interviews around barriers to sharing and re-using COVID-19-related data.

Prior to this, Yo worked as Open Source Technology Lead (Data for Science and Health) at the philanthropic research funder the Wellcome Trust, as Research Software Engineer and Community Manager at an open source biological data warehouse at the Department of Genetics Cambridge, as senior leadership at an academic spinout software development company, and as a software developer and technologist in industry.

Chairs of ReSA Subcommittees

Colette Bos

Colette Bos

Programme Director, Netherlands eScience Centre
Lives in the Netherlands
Subcomittee: governance

Colette Bos is the programme director of the Netherlands eScience Center. Her main responsibility is the call strategy and responsibility for the project portfolio. For this, she works closely with the Programme Managers. She also contributes to the general management of the eScience Center in the directors’ team and to external relations of the Netherlands eScience Center. Colette obtained her PhD at Utrecht University, with research on how scientists connect their work to large societal goals in science policy. After that, she moved to the Dutch Research Council (NWO), where she worked as a coordinator on the development of the Dutch National Research Agenda and as management board member in the European Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe. This was followed by two years as board secretary at the Mathematics department of Utrecht University, where she contributed to strategy and policy development and implementation of the department and where she managed operational matters.

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Former Steering Committee Members

Mark Leggott, Director of International Relations, Digital Research Alliance of Canada (2021-2024)

Joris van Eijnatten, General Director, Netherlands eScience Center; and Professor of Digital History, Utrecht University (2021-2024)

Eva Mendez, Associate Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (2021 -2023)

Chris Mentzel, Executive Director, Data Sciences, Stanford Data Science Initiative, Stanford University, USA (2019 - 2023)

Andrew Treloar, Director, Platforms and Software, Australian Research Data Commons, Australia (2019 -2023)

Lou Woodley, Director, Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement, UK (2021 - 2023)

Tania Allard, Co-Director, Quansight, UK (2021)

Serah Njambi Rono, Director of Community Development and Engagement, The Carpentries, Estonia (2021)

Karthik Ram, Senior Research Data Scientist at University of California, Berkeley, USA (2019-2021)

Catherine Jones, Energy Data Centre Lead, Science and Technologies Facilities Council, UK (2019-2020)

Scott Henwood, Senior Director, Programs, CANARIE, Canada (2019)