Towards an International Research Software Conference: Join our Community Consultation

Event Summary
Join one of our upcoming webinars to discuss community-supported routes for convening the first-ever international research software conference in 2025/26, or provide feedback asynchronously on the options paper, Towards an international research software conference (version 2).
ReSA is engaging with key stakeholders to identify and recommend possible options, with three conference options proposed currently. These all share a common overarching aim of community building but differ in the communities they focus on.
The next stage of the development of these ideas is to gain feedback through open public consultation. This includes identifying stakeholders who would be interested in shepherding the development of at least one of these ideas in 2025/26, including possible pilots in 2025.
How to join
Anyone can provide feedback or ask questions through the following methods:
Responding to this brief questionnaire on preferred options and potential involvement
Attending an open webinar. Five webinars are available for anyone to join, each with the same agenda of discussion on this document, to engage multiple time zones:
- 31 Oct 2024, 20:00-21:00 UTC (see in your time zone)
- 1 Nov 2024, 09:00-10:00 UTC (see in your time zone)
- 4 Nov 2024, 21:00-22:00 UTC (see in your time zone)
- 5 Nov 2024, 05:00-6:00 UTC (see in your time zone)
- 5 Nov 2024, 09:00-10:00 UTC (see in your time zone)
Zoom link, Meeting ID: 218 787 3236, Passcode: 446688
Commenting directly on Towards an international research software conference (version 2).
Emailing questions or comments to
The closing date for input and feedback is Friday 15 November, 2024.